Risk Assessment and Control

Refer:- IS 18001:2007

Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control should be taken into account when plans are formulated to meet an organization’s OH&S policy. All identified hazards are assessed to determine the level of risk, which is a measurement of the probability and possible consequence of injury and illness resulting from exposure to hazard. The final step involves risk control where risk is treated to reduce its level.

  1. Identification of Risks: Begin by identifying potential hazards, threats, and vulnerabilities that could hinder the achievement of goals or objectives.
  2. Risk Analysis: Assess the likelihood and consequences of identified risks, considering factors such as probability, severity, and impact on stakeholders, resources, and operations.
  3. Risk Evaluation: Evaluate the significance of each risk based on its likelihood and impact, considering organizational priorities, risk tolerance, and appetite for uncertainty.

Strategies for Risk Control:

  1. Preventive Measures: Implement measures to prevent risks from materializing, such as implementing robust safety protocols, quality controls, and employee training programs.
  2. Mitigation Strategies: Reduce the likelihood or severity of risks through proactive mitigation measures, such as implementing redundancies, diversifying portfolios, and enhancing security measures.
  3. Transfer of Risk: Transfer risks to third parties through insurance, contracts, or outsourcing arrangements, shifting the financial or operational burden of risks to external entities.
  4. Acceptance and Monitoring: Accept certain risks that fall within acceptable risk tolerances and establish monitoring mechanisms to track changes in risk levels over time.